GITA C# Applications

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First Semester Projects

*pictures are distorted; not actual size

Date: 1/26/16 Tic-Tac-Toe

This is the sixteenth project, and the first in the second semester. This is a simple game of tic-tac-toe in which two players clickin the empty spaces to mark them. A player wins when they mark three spaces.

Date: 2/??/16 Space Invader

This is the seventeenth project. In this game, a single enemy advances down the screen until hit. The player must move thier ship using the arrow key and hit the enemy five times. If the enemy gets too close, GAME OVER.

Date: 2/18/16 Tank

This is the eighteenth project. In this game, one enemy tracks you until it collides with your car. You must move and shoot it four times. There are also barriers which neither you nor the enemy can pass through. You have to shoot it three times to win.

Date: 3/07/16 Space Invaders 2

This is the ninteenth project. This is similar to the first space invader, but there are three invaders. The invaders move in classic formation. You must hit each three times to win. If they reach you, you lose.

Galaga- Final Project

This project is the final project. It incorporates things learned from the entire year. It is similar to the classic game, but with a twist. This is a two player game, in which players at first cooperate to get through the first levels, but must then face each other in a final showdown